
About me!

Hello!! My name is Haru Vasconcelos and I'm a illustrator based in Brazil!
My works are mainly focused on fanart, concept art, character design, original artwork involving OCs and RPG characters and I'm recently getting more into doing comics. My main goal is working on the future as an character designer or animator


This is a little example of what I can offer regarding my art. For more examples, feel free to check out my other accounts

Commissions info (open)

Commissions are officially open!For more information regarding the information about the commissions, please go to terms of service

Terms of service

Commission guidelines

- I can only do my art style, so please keep that in mind
- For any additional characters, it will be charged plus 50% of the original price
- I won't do extreme NSFW/gore, mecha, realism, NFTs, really complex backgrounds and anything that makes me unconfortable.
- I have the right to refuse any order for any reason
- Characters with more complex/complicated designs will have additional charges
- If sharing, do not remove the watermark

Payment and revisions

- For international payments I will only accept PayPal
- Revisions are free during the sketching phase
- For pieces exceeding 50 USD, clients will not be required to pay the full amount upfront
- If you want to change something in the drawing you have previously approoved, a fee will be charged
- Minor/major changes after being sent the finished commission will be charged - unless a misunderstanding from my side has been made

Process & delivery

- Either Email or DM me on Twitter, Instagram or Discord (Haruiui#0838) to discuss your commission
- After the payment has been settled, I will start the sketching process
- Commissions usually take me around 1-2 weeks for me to be finished so please be patient and if you want it on a exact date, please let me know in advance
-You will recive the full-resolution drawing only after everything has been approved and paid for
- The commissions will be sent via Google Drive Link. Keep in mind that there is no physical product

Copyright policy

the artist holds all the rights to the commissioned piece

- I have the right to upload the piece on any sociall platform and/or include the piece in my portfolio. If you're not comfortable with that, please let me know in advance
- I have the right to blacklist a client if they're cauth commiting copyright infrigement
- If you wish to use the work for commercial purposes, we will discuss an extra charge and agreement on the copyright & usage

The client is allowed to:

- Print and use the commissioned piece for personal use
- Claim rights to their character/s in the piece, not the piece itself
- Post the commissioned piece on social media, use as a display photo in any platform. Credit is always appreciated
- Use the piece for commercial use only if the client has paid for commercial use

Consider copyright infringement :

- Claiming the artwork as your own
- Reproducing the commissioned piece and/or profiting from it
- Altering the commissioned piece in any way. This includes editing and/or removing the watermark included in the piece
- Using the copyrighted artwork commercially - making money of it in any way


- I reserve the right to cancel and refund the commissioned piece at any time for any reason
- Full/parcial refunds are not applicable if ever the client is unsatisfied with the finished piece. I will always ask if the client wants to change anything or if they are satisfied
- If the client would like to cancel the order if and I haven't started yet, 90% of the full price will be refunded. If I'm in the process of sketching it, 40% will be refunded
- If I can't seem to start/finish the commission due to personal reasons, I'll refund the client in full
- If the client hasn't sent over the full/partial payment after a week, they or I have the right to cancel the commission